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Dandelion Parachute Seed

Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release uses sustained pressure and gentle stretching or compression to release tension in the fascial system, relieving pain and restoring range of motion.  During your session, your therapist may include therapeutic massage and other treatment modalities customized to your unique needs. 

More Information

What is fascia and why should I release it?


Fascia is a 3-dimensional web of connective tissue that runs throughout your entire body.  When healthy, this web is gel-like, fluid, and responsive; allowing for good range of motion and ease of movement. When the body experiences injury, trauma or disease, the fascia can become sticky and dense, exerting pressure on your muscles, organs, and bones, and leading to pain, discomfort and limited range of motion.  Releasing the restrictions in your fascia relieves this pressure and restores comfort and balance to your body, mind and spirit.


What should I expect during a treatment?

All sessions begin with a check in about your specific areas of concern, followed by a postural analysis that helps identify structural imbalances that may be caused by fascial restrictions.  Addressing these restrictions is where the healing begins.


To facilitate release, your therapist will apply gentle, sustained pressure in areas of restriction, and then follow where the body leads.  You may feel subtle shifts in sensation in the treatment area or elsewhere in the body, and your therapist will use that information as a roadmap to treatment. 


Because this treatment addresses the root cause of this pain and restriction, results can be long-lasting and life-enhancing!


NOTE: Myofascial release is performed on bare skin, with no lotions or oils. Women should wear shorts and a sports bra or tank top, or a two-piece bathing suit. Men should wear loose-fitting shorts.  Please refrain from applying lotion or creams on the day of treatment.


Click on Practitioner's name to go to their personal page to book a session.

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